Background Screening
Background Checks
Corporate Intelligence prides itself in providing a day to day, “hands on” approach to pre-employment information needs and those services specifically structured to serve the Legal Community and the Insurance Industry. We are professionally insured and staffed by licensed and accredited investigative personnel.
Our services range from searching a District Court for criminal appearances (misdemeanors) through superior court (felonies) and conducting statewide, S.B.I. criminal conviction searches. We also provide Driver Violation and Accident reports, Professional License and/or Degree Verification, Medicaid-Medicare Fraud Certifications and Sex Offender Registry examinations.
We also provide source documents to insurance adjusters.
Background Screening
County Criminal
Statewide Criminal
Sex Offender Registry
Driving Records
Medical Sanctions
Degree Verifications
Professional License Verification
Pre-employment Screening
Let Us Work For You!
Corporate Intelligence
PHONE: (800) 818-8809
FAX: (207) 795-6004
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 7056
Lewiston, Maine 04243-7056